Friday, August 27, 2010

Thankful and Super Hubby

We are at 38 weeks in our pregnancy and I am so thankful, for many things:

  • I am thankful that my baby is healthy enough that instead of sitting in the hospital waiting to go into labor, I get to come to work and stay busy, be at home and stay busy, and spend the last few weeks in waiting without being in a hospital environment!

  • I am thankful that I can work 3 hours a day from home now that I am getting more and more uncomfortable!

  • I am thankful for excellent medical benefits at a reduced rate to me because my employer pays the majority of my premium!

  • I am thankful for family who calls to check on me routinely because they truly care about my well being and the baby!

  • But most of all, I am thankful for Todd, otherwise known as Super Hubby, also known as Supper Daddy. If not for him, our house would be a wreck, we'd eat out every night for dinner instead of having a home cooked meal, there would never be any clean clothes, and I would have the stinkiest child on the block (I don't think I've given J a bath in over a month). I am so lucky to have a husband who understands how truly taxing it is during the last month of pregnancy and picks up the slack around the house. He cooks dinner when I'm tired after work; he changes out the laundry because I can't reach the bottom of the washing machine anymore; he carries folded baskets of clothes into the closet and puts them away so I don't have to; he plays outside with our son and gives him his bath afterwards; he puts our son to bed by himself because I'm usually half asleep on the couch by this time in the evening; he rubs my lower back with a tennis ball because he can see how much pain and discomfort I'm in right now; and most importantly, he's emotionally supportive and loves me unconditionally!

I love you honey!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

5 More Weeks????!!!!!

I am officially 35 weeks pregnant today. It seems to have gone by so fast, but at the same time I look at the calendar and think "there's no way I can do this for 5 more weeks"!!!

I am now convinced that Jackson was born early because I'm just not cut out for the last few weeks of pregnancy. I don't think it would be so bad if I weren't working 40 hours a week, but I am, so it is!

By the time I get home from work I have zero energy left for the day, and that's just not fair. Yes, I know I'm whining, but too bad!!!

I wish I could just find 3 weeks of extra vacation lying around here somewhere so I could be done working at 37 weeks. I'm so afraid that I'm going to completely wear myself out and start off on a deficit when we bring the baby home.

With Jackson, this wasn't an issue as I was on hospital bedrest for a week before they ended up doing an induction. At the time, it was the most horrifying thing that could have happened, but looking back, I think it helped my body prepare for labor and delivery and the resulting aftermath of bringing home a new baby.

If it weren't for money, bills, and responsibility, I would just go on FMLA now and take the full 12 weeks off and only get paid the 6 weeks of disability insurance at 70% pay. But unfortunately, being an adult sucks so I have to stick it out for 5 more weeks, or whenever this little guy decides to make his debut.

As soon as we get through Jackson's birthday part on August 21st and his first day of school on August 25th, I'm ready and willing when baby is!!! =)